hello! we're sasha. we're a plural system hence the "we."
thats a photo of us, hi. we are the guy(s) behind the site!
as we mentioned before this website is mostly for self expression,
rambling, and collecting links+photos+anything else i want to save
for later. we have a hard time expressing ourselves how we like irl,
so we think it would be cool to make little personal pages here and
have our own little collections of photos+links+whatever else.
anyways.. stuff about us: we are 20 bodily, we generally like to be
called it/its but he/she isnt a bother most times. we are a system, we are
collectively trans/genderqueer, we work at a pawn shop,
we are from the US but moved to australia to live with our
partner, Dante :) I havent been drawing as much as usual lately,
but we are artists and we have been drawing and making silly
characters since we could hold a pencil. im also a werewolf, take
that as figuratively or literally as you like.